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Dreams in Montana!

The move here has brought new challenges and different opportunities. Having lived on the east coast all my life enjoying all the short commutes to the numerous shopping choices and the many dog shows with in hour or two what a difference here. Travel is many miles and hours, with spectacular views and abundant wildlife.

Aside from that I know longer have the large kennel facilities I had back in Pennsylvania which allowed me to pursue my love of breeding Shetland Sheepdogs. But with that said it has not dampened in the least my enjoyment of painting all breeds of dogs.

Restarting the windsock business has been a challenge. Mostly, to have the dog fanciers know I'm very available to fill your product requests. In the next months I wish to work hard on engaging the show and pet fancy alike in the enjoyment of my hand painted windsocks, bags, jackets, vests, etc. Extending a new welcome to dog clubs to give thought to having a one stop trophy list, judges gifts, or for that special awards dinner you are having by selecting keepsake mementos. Best of all , working within your clubs budgets with sound suggestions and quality products.

Please remember that my windsock designs are not limited only to dogs. I will work with you on other avenues as well. Weddings, Business, New Baby Socks, Golf projects, Horses, Clamber of Commerce projects, and fund raising ideas as well.

On a personal side---- My last sheltie died on 9/8/08 at 14+ ending a life long commitment to the breed. There are no words to express that loss and a true ending to a great love. From the first sheltie I acquired in 1972 to the loss of the remaining one I have grown to know so many joys. The life long friendships that they have brought to me. Without those friends I would have never been able to have the strength to have made this journey. The many years of meeting all of you in the dog fancy with all the many other breeds that I have grown to love and know as well. You to have graced me with your knowledge and most of all your friendships. Thank You.
I would love hearing from all of you.

Now, divorced (after 41 years) this has brought a new found freedom, and a chance to experience my life long dreams.

Ryan has graduated from high school and is working at a local John Deere Dealer and taking related online credits. He is looking to the future, a home and 20 acres and career. I thank him for his help, strength, his great sense of responsibility, and encouragement as we both embark on our new found futures.

So we can reconnect, I'm looking to include a few pictures from time to time, sharing my new life with you.



How do I contact Windsocks by Connie?

Windsocks by Connie has moved!
Windsocks by Connie
217 S. B Street
Livingston, Montana 59047

Windsocks by Connie. All Rights Reserverd.